DSC Optical Services
../Slide_Shows/Brochures/br_slides/Broch_DSC_Optical_400px.jpgCreated concept of using the microscope lens in close-up to immediately communicate the point of this brochure for a sales and repair company. We even did the photo!
Aesthetic Eye Surgeon – New England Eye Center
../Slide_Shows/Brochures/br_slides/Broch_EyelidSurgery_400px.jpgUnique brochure for cosmetic eye surgeon marketing services from multiple offices including area spas.
Heather's of Wayland
../Slide_Shows/Brochures/br_slides/Broch_Heathers_400px.jpgCreated a special focused brochure for for a local flower shop to sell weekly service to area businesses.
Jewish Cemetery Association of Massachusetts
../Slide_Shows/Brochures/br_slides/Broch_JCAM_Guidebook_400px.jpgWrote, designed, illustrated 128-page booklet for cemetery association, including detailed maps and directions. Helped ensure consistency and readability.
Optical Shop – New England Eye Center
../Slide_Shows/Brochures/br_slides/Broch_NEEC_Eyewear_400px.jpgSpecial purpose brochure created for a new contact lens fitting and sales service.
Patient Satisfaction Survey – New England Eye Center
../Slide_Shows/Brochures/br_slides/Broch_NEEC_PatientSatSurv_400px.jpgComplex forms and survey forms are a specialty requiring lots of patience!
Tufts Medical Center Surgical Research Labs
../Slide_Shows/Brochures/br_slides/Broch_SurgicalResearchLabs_400px.jpgSmall surgical research lab offers services to equipment companies to test concepts and devices; needed full color, low quantity for pointed marketing plan.
Trinity Partners – Job Fair Brochure
../Slide_Shows/Brochures/br_slides/Broch_TrinityJobFair_400px.jpgRecruiting employees for specialty data processing and mining company is competitive. This brochure helped this company really stand out.
Referal Pad – New England Eye Center
../Slide_Shows/Brochures/br_slides/ReferPad_NEEC_400px.jpgTertiary eye care practice uses referral materials with community physicians to make it easy to refer patients in need.