Duck Soup
This gourmet food and cooking supply store in Sudbury, MA endures after nearly 30 years and a major fire to the historic building it was housed in. They used their Web site – created it, in fact – to communicate with their clients during the rebuilding. It provided news of the progress as well as an opportunity to order their custom-roasted coffee online! Today it is legend and a wonderful place to visit and shop. Truly the best of the best. The ducks have us do their Web site, their advertising and holiday gift basket promo sheets. Yum.
Westside Watershapes
For years, this company was known as Westside Pool and Service, Inc. – and it still is to many long-time customers. But for customers looking for unique and exquisite pools, they will find Westside Watershapes to build their truly outstanding pool. We created the name, a graphic identity and a slogan to separate the pool design/construction company from the service arm. A companion logo and now Web site details the offerings in pool cleaning, repair and related backyard maintenance options. Also, each year, we produce a full-page ad in the Ft. Worth Garden Tour Book to show off one of the year's outstanding new pools!
New England Eye Center
This hospital-based eye care practice is headquartered in Boston's Theatre District that borders Chinatown. A specialty ad for an English-language Chinese newspaper features physicians in the practice of Chinese background.
We have worked for the Eye Center on many projects from a fundraising golf tournament to its Web site and newsletters, physician announcements, referral materials, new logo and much more.
This small gift shop sells some of the most elegant items found anywhere and is a beautiful, stylish retail space in a suburban setting. They wanted all that to come thru in an ad for an equally elegant publication distributed to a dozen neighboring towns.
Having done little advertising, we had to recreate their logo in digital form and capture all the images from catalogs and such – with only days to go to deadline. We are proud of the work and proud to have been on time!!!
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